"By breaking up specific movement patterns into their most basic parts, I can help patients change their movement impairments, allowing me to work more efficiently and effectively. KC helped me to know where and when to use the tools in my clinician’s toolbox with each different patient’s presentation. It puts the power of the patient’s movement, first. That’s a powerful message for all clinicians to hear"
‘Only movement will change movement’: Thomas feels his close to connection to the power of movement came from years of martial arts training, a passion he gained the chance to inspire, progressing to teaching others what he himself had learned. This journey of combining a passion for movement and teaching, brought him to teaching Kinetic Control. This allows him to again call upon many years of teaching know-how and clinical experience, sharing the wealth of knowledge gained within and since the completion of his Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy MSc.
First attracted to the KC approach by its rigorous diagnostic labelling of movement impairment, Thomas saw its clinical value realised for his patients’ pain, pathology and comprised function. Outside the clinical environment, his passion for movement continues, both practically, instructing Kettlebells and from an organisational perspective, as the founder of the first Functional Training group in Linz, Austria. This combination of clinical and performance focussed outcomes allows the value of movement to stay central to his course delivery.
Multi-lingual Thomas takes the Kinetic Control message to the German speaking world, talking and teaching movement, assessment and targeted retraining interventions within the KC clinical framework.