Kari completed the Kinetic Control Tutor Programme in 2010 and has taken the Kinetic Control process to Finnish Manual Therapists and Physiotherapists. Belonging to the Kinetic Control group gives him a great opportunity to develop his physiotherapy practice in musculoskeletal disorders in Finland.
“The choice is control and the control is choice. But do people have enough choices to move? Is there wrong or right way to move? Can those limited or lost movement choices be restored?”
These are some of the questions which Kari has been asking and pondering since he started his career as a physiotherapist. Kari realized quite quickly that manual therapy by itself is not the long-term solution for people with pain and activity limitations.
He has been undertaking lectures and tutoring on courses within therapeutic exercise with the Finnish Organisation of Manual Therapy (SOMTY ry). Kari has been responsible for the development of a number of therapeutic exercise courses for Orthopaedic Manual Therapy students in Finland. He also works as a clinician treating patients from all walks of life, including both children and adults as well as amateur and professional athletes. His private clinic in Turku, an old historic town in Finland.
Kari's main interest is to discover different kinds of movement dysfunction in the presence of pain and pathology. Kinetic Control clinical reasoning process gives him the best available treatment and retraining strategy tool for his patients and to teach them to manage and control their body and pain. His message is also 'never give up'. In the Finnish language there is a good word to describe that, 'SISU'