8th November 2016
Whatever your passion is when it comes to sport and exercise the ‘eat, sleep, [insert your own choice], repeat’ mantra is probably what your perfect day might look like. Whether this is triathlon training, obstacle course racing or Crossfit you need your movement to be robust as the Winter draws in.
It just happens you want what TPM Active already have; efficiency in movement, robust movement and performance. A word to the wise: Search ‘TPM Pro’.
TPM Pro clinics have their own movement mantra: we’ll help you take care of your movement, so your movement can take care of you. No matter what the sport, no matter who’s the opposition or your training goal, TPM Pro clinics value your movement like no other.
We ensure you stay robust, supplying efficiency in your movement, allowing you always to find another gear. To say we ‘hack’ your movement and co-ordination, find your movement blind spots and fix what we’ve found would be a nice way to sum up what we do. Nobody else does it like this. Or as well.
Maybe our mantra is Eat. Sleep. Manage Movement. Repeat, after all.