18th October 2017
Access KC’s Clinical framework & clinical reasoning processes to empower you to manage patients effectively with movement & exercise.
Our modular system of courses and flagship education route The Movement Solution will develop your clinical expertise in improving movement efficiency in your patients. These courses supply you the tools to help them achieve their goals and attain and maintain long term movement health.
1. Clinical expertise in movement assessment and retraining
We present a balance between Evidence Based Practice and clinical observations in a clinical reasoning framework. You will be able to integrate exercise and movement retraining with all other clinical tools such as manual therapy (joint and soft tissue mobilisations), neuro dynamic techniques, & pain education. All courses include hands on learning to develop practical application.
Courses focus on two key elements:
progressing people in pain, to a pain free state and supporting their return to a place of more optimal movement health
and restoring more optimal movement patterns for all to achieve the best movement outcomes for the best possible quality of life.
The courses place emphasis and value upon co-ordination efficiency and targeting of muscle synergies to optimise movement retraining and facilitate long term movement health journeys.
Putting Movement into Practice
2. Clinical framework
How does movement assessment & retraining fit into clinical practice?
We work with a clinic friendly reasoning process to develop a comprehensive understanding of the influence of movement on patients symptoms, activities and function. This includes:
classifying the site and direction of movement control impairments and relating to symptoms, disability and compromised participation or reduction in activities
exploring the relationship between movement control impairments and restrictions
management plans based on assessment of all systems
relating pain mechanisms to presentation
integrating other approaches and modalities
consideration of tissues and structures on presentation
the prognosis for symptom management, impairments and function.
The clinical reasoning process includes identifying 4 key criteria:
diagnosis of the movement control impairments diagnosis of pain-sensitive or pain generating structures
diagnosis of pain mechanisms
evaluation and consideration of contextual factors
Putting Movement into Practice
3. Managing recurrence
We have clear clinical pathways and strategies to manage recurrence. Dealing with recurrent symptoms is the long-term future of our profession. Our particular expertise is understanding the contributing factors that are linked to recurrence and improving co-ordination efficiency and targeting muscle synergies to minimise recurrence.
Putting Movement into Practice
4. Empowering people
Empowering patients through active movement retraining is at the heart of what we do. Our patient centred approach champions and harnesses movement as a lifelong therapy.
Putting Movement into Practice
5. Provide certification as a Kinetic Control Movement Therapist
Be part of KC's International Network. By becoming Kinetic Control Movement Therapist, clinicians will not only strengthen their professional skill sets as a KC Movement Therapist, but also bring further accreditation to their businesses.