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A Lesson A Day Keeps Injury At Bay: The Case For Ongoing CPD

Writer's picture: Comera GroupComera Group

We’ve recently partnered with LearnM to release a new suite of subscription based digital CPD products for the fitness and wellness sector. This will provide those on The Fitness Pathway with a continuous stream of ongoing learning with which to enhance their skills. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of this according to research and why we’ve chosen this approach.

The Times – They Are A Changing

The Economist pointed out as early as 2017 that the increasing pace of technological change means that ongoing learning is now essential to a healthy career. The fitness and wellness industry is by no means immune to this trend. Whether it’s the rise of digital fitness or products like FitBit Coach that blend technology with personal training, the fitness industry will be unrecognisable 20 years from now. A subscription based approach to learning helps you to keep up with this change and, to reflect this, LearnM includes training in both conventional skills and topical subjects such as the interface of fitness and COVID 19.

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

The conventional wisdom in psychology was that you can hold up to 7 pieces of information in short term memory at one and, while the exact figure has come under question in recent years, the general point still stands. It’s been shown repeatedly that cramming doesn’t work when it comes to building a deep and lasting understanding of a topic. Our online learning platform has been built around this principle. Lessons are broken into short chunks and knowledge is recapped subsequently, taking advantage of ‘spaced learning’, a concept that has proven effective whether at school or in higher education.

It’s Actually Good For Your Health

As well as giving you valuable skills, lifelong learning is actually good for you. Education has been consistently linked to positive health outcomes including some protection against cognitive decline and dementia. At Comera Movement Science, we have always upheld the value of curiosity and learning new things as a key part of what it means to live a good life – and it turns out the research bears this out!

1 Comment

Nov 18, 2024

Незалежно від того, яка пора року, день чи вечір, ми завжди повинні бути в курсі всіх подій, що відбуваються у світі, тому що тільки володіючи інформацією, ми можемо бути більш об'єктивними до подій. Завдяки якісному новинному порталу, я можу завжди бути в інформаційному просторі, що дає мені змогу отримувати найактуальніші та найперевіреніші новини. Завдяки їхній роботі, я дізнався цікаву інфорграфіку про те, що ціни на картоплю в Україні вже вдвічі вищі, ніж рік тому, що демонструє факт неминучого підняття цін, а так само інфляції. Та і взагалі, я дуже сильно радий тому, що маю можливість користуватися таким новинним порталом, адже саме завдяки йому, можу читати найважливіші новини зі світу бізнесу, економіки, а так само агро сектора.

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