If you are an existing Tutor or Course Organiser, please log in to your account via Comera Store and select Create Event >
Apply to become a Course Organiser by completing the application here >
For other opportunities, check out our Partnership page >

If you want to become a CMS Tutor, complete one of the following pathways:
Become a Kinetic Control Accredited Tutor (KCAT):
This package is suited to experienced clinicians or physiotherapists who can assess a client’s movement control patterns and limitations, and who are certified Kinetic Control Movement Therapists (KCMTs). You can apply to become a KCMT here>
If, however, you are already a certified KCMT, you can apply to be a KCAT here >
Become a Movement Science Practitioner (MSP) Tutor:
This package is best suited to experienced yoga instructors, pilates instructors or personal trainers who understand movement science patterns and practice. To be eligible, you need to have already completed MSP Parts A, B & C. To get started, click here >